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Can't get away for a face-to-face training? We've got you covered. Sip your tea, get comfy, and log on. PD training certificates are included with every training after you complete the online assessment. 


Our self-directed courses go beyond slide lectures by integrating comprehensive features like audio, video, handouts, workbooks and other related content. This is a dynamic way to get an in-depth look at a topic, and then apply it to your work with young children (outside!). The best part? There's no pressure or time constraint, so you can go at your own pace and revisit the recordings whenever you like! When you successfully complete your course, follow the instructions to receive a Professional Development Certificate. (Requirements vary by state and country; check with your State Department of Education if applicable.)

Scheduled webinars allow you to learn from presenters in real time and ask questions as the webinar takes place. We record webinars so you can play them back later, but you get the most out of this format through live participation. Webinars are about one hour long; some webinar series highlight a topic over multiple sessions. 

NOTE: We know schedules and time zone differences can make webinar attendance tricky...that's why we email the webinar recording and materials to you. 


Even if program funds are tight, you can still enjoy these free webinars. We know how difficult it is find high-quality training, and even tougher to find it at no cost. Thanks to generous member support, we are able to provide a range of wonderful free content for you. Remember to visit our Teacher Resources Portal, too.

We also deliver staff professional development via a live broadcast. In addition to real-time discussion, there are stopping points woven into each session so that you take the learning outside. We craft these sessions on an individual basis to ensure it suits your needs. Contact to learn more!
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