Written by McCadden, ERAFANS Online Facilitator
In the Northern Hemisphere, we’re still in the cold season, with longer, clearer nights and greater opportunities to view the stars, moon, and planets above. In many traditions around the world, human beings have tended to go inward during the winter, becoming more sedentary and taking shelter in some form designed to help us stay warm. We’ve gathered around the fire to share stories, songs, craft-making, and transmit various other skills and teachings. Some cultures celebrate Lunar New Year at this time.

With this in mind, we offer this Song Book focused on celebrating aspects of the Night Sky. If you have any song sapling suggestions to add to our collection on this theme, we’d love to hear from you! Please share them via email with the subject line “Song Share”.
Here are some related tales you might enjoy exploring, as well!
Children's books about the night
Children's books about stars and constellations
Children's books about the moon